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Walton's new gaming keyboard mouse now in market.

Walton has introduced several new technologies. Including 10 models of gaming and standard keyboards and 6 models of gaming mouse. These keyboards and attractive mouse designs are affordable, but they are better developed.
Walton Computer Project Incharge Engineer Liaquat Ali said that in the middle of last year, Walton has left the market for high quality technology at a affordable price in the hands of gaming and standard keyboard and mouse. That's a great response to the tech-techimidera. In addition to this, more than 16 models of keyboards and mouse were released in the market. Attractive designs and advanced keyboards and mice are much cheaper than other brands.
He also said that the specialty of Walton keyboard is the addition of Bangla font. Because of Bangla font as well as standard English, this keyboard can be used easily by anyone in Bangla. Walton's keyboard and mouse support all USB devices.
According to Walton sources, the new incoming technology includes 8 model gaming keyboards. There are 104 buttons on all keyboards, including special gaming buttons. The 19 buttons work together on high quality keyboards. Their price ranges from 1390 to 1490 rupees. Also, two models of standard keyboard have been released without the market. Each of which costs 590 taka.
6 model LED gaming mouse has been added to the Walton technology storage container. These gaming mice in different colors of LED color lights are in the models from 4D to 7D Button. The user will be able to set 800 to 2400 dpi as needed. The price of these mice is between Tk 465 and Tk 690.
Walton's Product Manager (Laptop) Mohammad Abul Hasnat said that the number of Walton gaming keyboards stood at 10 in this. And the number of standard keyboards is 4. At present 8 number of Walton gaming mouse. There are also 4 models of standard and 1 model wireless mouse.
These keyboards and mouse are available at all the Walton Plaza and sales points of the country. All models have keyboard and mouse with six-month replacement warranty.

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