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Mobile phone damage to our body?


Many people spend big time on mobile phones, but very few people think or know how much they are affecting their body or health?

The radiation that comes from the radio or the radiation that comes from the mobile, how harmful to the body? Can the tumor due to the phone's lead? Is there any way to escape from these?Scientists have been trying to get answers to these questions over the last few years. Although not yet fully answered all the questions.As much as we know, mobile phones work on the radio frequency wave, which uses low power radiation. What is used in x-ray, ultra-violet or gamma radiation is much less power than it is. But it also affects the human body, it is still not quite clear.There are so many such radiations circulating around us. Such as FM radio waves, microwave and lamp radiation.However, the website of the American Cancer Society says that a mobile phone may increase the risk of tumors of the head or neck.Such a radio wave can enhance the body's body temperature, especially as a microwave works.Although the radiation level of the mobile phone is very low and how much heat it can make in the body cells, it is not clear, but scientists say that near the phone as an advance alert, it is better to have a closer look.

Mobile phones spread to the most and less radiation

Scientists have tried to know, what quantum radiation is happening from a phone? They have also set a level of how much a person can accept the radiation in his body.Mobile phone companies or manufacturers have more radiation levels than each other. Though there are information on phone boxes or in online papers, very few customers read them.The new and old phones have made a list of radiation spread levels in Germany's Federal Office, Other Radiation Protection.According to this list, one plus and Huawei is on the list of the most widely circulated phones. Nokia Nokia 630 is still on its way.The iPhone 7 also has 10 in the list, the iPhone 8 is 12 in the list and the iPhone 7 plus is at number 15. Sony Xperia ZXWAN Compact has 11 in the list, JTE Axon 7 Mini is at number 13 and BlackBerry DTE 60 is at number 14.Although there is no specific standard for radiation in the world, the criteria in Germany is 0.60 watts per kilo. All the phones in the list have twice the amount of radiation. This level is 1.68 W in One Plus 5.Sony X Perry M5 spreads the lowest radiation Thereafter, Samsung Galaxy Note 8, S6 Edge, Google Pixel XL, Samsung S 8 RS7 Edge.To find out the radiation levels of your mobile phone, read the manual, go to the company's website, or enter the website of the Federal Communications Commission of the United States.

How to survive radiation

Most radiation spreads to the antenna on the phone. These phones are installed in the back of the phones in modern phones.While most people use the phone, the antenna is on the opposite side of the head. But as far as the antennae of the head is present, the risk continues to increase.It is believed that the cells that contain the body around the mobile phone are more damaged, and the lower cells are less damaged.How to reduce the risk? Scientists have given some suggestions.• Reduce mobile phone usage• Use the phone with the speaker mood or handsfree mood, so the phone is away from the head• Near the mobile phone tower. Because the longer the phone remains, the more power to get a better signal• Choose a mobile phone that radiates low radiation power

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